We are incredibly grateful to every single one of you who braved the cold and turned out to support our first Christmas event in Fitzmaurice Park last Saturday. You turned out in your hundreds, and we thank you for making such a fantastic atmosphere, and for all your wonderful feedback.
To Cawston Band for their beautiful carol playing getting us off to a jolly start, to Jonny Ling and his mechanical organ for keeping us full of cheer throughout, and to the Rock Choir Norwich, Beccles/Lowestoft, Thorpe and Wymondham for such an enthusiastic launch to the woodland light trail – thank you all for helping us make this such a special event, and a fantastic start to the Christmas season.
And of course to all our crafters, stall holders, first aiders, and food and drink vendors, who stood for hours and hours in minus temperatures – a huge thank you for keeping so many people well fed and looked after.
We are incredibly grateful to our team of volunteers, who play such a key role in helping us put these events on. We are a very small team – tiny but mighty – so voluntary offers of help really give us the extra support we need to make events such as these a huge success. THANK YOU.
And lastly, to our staff – who have worked endlessly and tirelessly to make this event happen. Thank you.
Don’t forget, our woodland light trail is running all this week, from 3pm-5pm. It will close at 5pm on Friday 8th December, so don’t miss your chance to see it.
Image shows some illuminated Christmas characters, such as Santa and snowmen.