Thorpe St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan

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Following a referendum on Thursday 2nd May 2024, 87.04% of those voting did so in favour of supporting the Thorpe St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan, which will now go forward to be formally adopted by Broadland District Council.
Michelle Barron, CEO said “This community led Neighbourhood Plan has been in production since 2017, so its wonderful to see it overwhelmingly supported by our residents. The policies included in the plan will be used to decide whether to approve future planning applications, and bring many benefits. This includes higher community contribution from developers for local projects and facilities, protection of green spaces such as parts of Thorpe Woods, and bringing housing forward in a way that genuinely meets local needs.
I would like to say thank you to the team of people that have worked so hard to help us bring this document to fruition, including Cllr John Fisher and the Neighbourhood Planning Committee, Andrea at Compass point planning, Thomas Foreman of Politis Consulting, and our colleagues at Broadland District Council for their support and guidance.”Download PDFThorpe_St_Andrew_NP_Adopted_July_2024