Here is your 2024 events planner!
We had an excellent year of events in 2023, and this year looks set to be even bigger!
Our events programme kicks off on Saturday 24th February with an Indoor Car Boot Sale.
It’s being held in the Dussindale Centre (9.30am-12pm, sellers set up from 9am) and refreshments will be available throughout.
Pitches are £7 and MUST be booked in advance, by emailing
Hot on the heels of the Indoor Car Boot Sale, we’ll be hosting our first Book Sale.
It’s on Saturday 16th March (10am-3pm) at the Town Hall in Fitzmaurice Park, Pound Lane.
If you have any books to donate, you’ll find the clear plastic donation boxes at Roxley Hall, the George Morse Pavilion and the Town Hall (in the blue book box outside the office). Please do donate any books you no longer need, and be sure to pay us a visit to pick up a great new read or two! All proceeds from the book sale will go towards an upgrade of the play equipment in Fitzmaurice Park.
Please note, all dates may be subject to change, and we’ll be releasing full details as the events approach throughout the year. If you need any further information, please email us on