We have now completed all our events for 2023.
We began with a traditional St George’s Day Festival in April, with a battle re-enactment, archery and Morris dancing; whilst May saw us celebrating the King’s Coronation with an all-day event in Fitzmaurice Park. Live music, entertainment and a funfair helped the day go with a swing, although the rain tried its best to derail us!
In September, we enjoyed some sensational Street Food during a heatwave, and of course November was our popular annual fireworks display, which was sold-out.
We finished the year with a fantastic new event, the Festive Fayre in the Fitz, which saw us launch our first woodland light trail in the park. The light trail has been up for a week, and has proved very popular with families, with lots of wonderful comments received.
Please keep checking this page for early announcements about our 2024 events.
Image shows some of the illuminated characters on our woodland light trail, including a Santa and a snowman.