- How do I report a faulty street light in Thorpe St. Andrew?
To report please call 01603 701048 or email Office@thorpestandrew-tc.gov.uk
For all Street Lights on Dussindale please report to Norfolk County Council by either calling 0344 8008020 or go to their website www.Norfolk.gov.uk Street Lighting problem report form.
- How do I report a pothole in Thorpe St. Andrew?
Please contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 8008020 or email Highways@norfolk.gov.uk
- How do I report an overgrown hedge, weeds, tree or dangerous tree on a footpath or the Highway.
Please contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 8008020 or email Highways@norfolk.gov.uk
If you are unsure if the problem is for the Town Council or Norfolk County Council to deal with, please contact us in the first instance on 01603 701048 and we will advise accordingly.
- How do I view or comment on a Planning application?
To view or comment on a Planning Application please go to Broadland District Council’s website and search planning applications or you can call their planning department on 01603 430509
If you prefer, you can send your comments in writing, by letter or email, with regards to a Planning Application to the Town Council. This will then be passed to one of our planning officers to look at and bring to the next Town Council Plans meeting.
- How do I report a verge that needs cutting?
If you see a verge that needs attention or you would like to know when it will be cut, please call the Town Hall on 01603 701048 or email Office@thorpestandrew-tc.gov.uk
If it is on our cutting schedule we can advise when it will be done. If it is the responsibility of either Broadland District Council or Norfolk County Council Highways we can pass the details on to them for you.
- Who do I report parking issues in my road to?
If a vehicle has caused and obstruction or blocked visibility to oncoming or exiting traffic on the Highway, please contact the Police on the non-emergency number 101. If a vehicle has parked either across, or partially across, a dropped kerb leading to a property and therefore preventing access, this should also be reported to the Police on 101. The Town Council has no powers to remove or request that a vehicle is removed from the Highway.
- How do I get a plot on Dussindale or Hillside Allotments?
We have a waiting list for both of our allotment sites. If you would like to be added to the list, please email your full name, postal address, allotment choice and a contact phone number to Office@thorpestandrew-tc.gov.uk or call us on 01603 701048.
If there is not a plot available your name will be added to the waiting list, we will contact you once you are at the top of the list and one becomes available.
- Who is responsible for the Cemetery in Thorpe St Andrew?
Thorpe St. Andrew Church looks after the Cemetery, please contact Revd. James Stewart on 01603 439160 or email jstewart1971@gmail.com
- Who is responsible for maintaining a Public Right of Way (PROW)?
Norfolk County Council maintain all PROW. They inspect the network on a regular basis but if you spot a defect on a PROW you can report it using their on-line report form on their website www.norfolk.gov.uk or email Highways@norfolk.gov.uk
Alternatively you can call Highways on 0344 8008020.
- Who do I report a full dog/litter bin to?
If the dog/litter bin is in Fitzmaurice Park or Sir George Morse Park and River Green Yarmouth Road, the Town Council will empty the bin. If you see a bin that needs emptying in any of the above areas please call 01603 701048 or email Office@thorpestandrew-tc.gov.uk
All other dog/litter bins in Thorpe St Andrew are the responsibility of Broadland District Council and you will need to contact them directly on 01603 430534 or email contracts.envhealth@broadland.gov.uk
We have no control with regards to extra bins, this decision would be made by Broadland District Council.
- How do I get the grit bin on my street filled?
All the grit bins in Thorpe St. Andrew are usually filled sometime in November. If a bin in your road needs to be filled please contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 or email Highways@norfolk.gov.uk
We have no control with regards to extra bins, this decision would be made by Broadland District Council.
- I need to report a wasps’ nest, who do I contact?
To report a wasp/hornets’ nest or any other pest problem, please contact Broadland District Councils preferred pest control supplier, Millennium Pest Control call 01603 208060 or email enquiries@millenniumpestcontrol.co.uk
For further information, go to Pest control in Broadland – Broadland and South Norfolk (southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk)
- How do I get a Concessionary travel (bus) pass?
To apply for your Concessionary travel pass you will need to contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 or search Norfolk.gov.uk under Road & Transport.