The Planning Process
The Town Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting and within the Thorpe St Andrew Town area.
The planning authority (Broadland District Council or the Broads Authority) gives the Town Council 21 days to respond to a planning application. Application will be considered by the Town Council at its Planning Committee meeting and will feature on the agenda as an item to be discussed. Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and can speak during the public participation item on the agenda to give their views on a planning application. They are also encouraged to provide their own comments to the District Council and Broads Authority planning departments.
If there is not a meeting planned within the 21-day period, the Town Council may be able to request an extension to the time-limit. Whilst the overall decision is the planning authority’s, the Town Council’s local knowledge, combined with an understanding of the planning process, means that its views are more likely to be heard by the planning authority, so long as the Town Council provides valid planning ‘material considerations’.