The towns verge mowing (a delegated function undertaken on behalf of Norfolk County Council) is undertaken by our Parks & Estates team.
Residential hedges obstructing footways will remain the responsibility of residents.
Vehicles parked upon grass verges have become increasingly responsible for the increase of damage reports received by the council. Damage found to be caused by commercial vehicles (buses and lorries) mounting verges has also increased. In these instances, we can request that companies found responsible for damage pay for re-instatement and repairs.
Areas of verges reported unmown during the scheduled cuts is normally due to parked vehicles or other obstructions. It is only possible for the council to mow verges if they are free of obstructions. Staff will not return to mow these sections until the next scheduled cut so please leave verges obstruction free.
The council monitor and record instances of verge damage/obstructions during the year and request your assistance in keeping our verges tidy and free from damage. For more information, contact the office on 01603 701048.